Monday, 25 July 2011

Explanation about simple networking at home

Today, more people use computers at home. in at the same time every house has a lot of computers. here they need a network to facilitate the work to be made.

So, I want to explain a bit about how to create a home network. For your home network does not require a lot of tools. This will save costs and allow you to create a network at home.

Firstly, you need only two things that the modem and router. Modem is to gain access to the internet and the router is to divide your network into a lot of two or more computers.

Here is given an idea of how this network functions;

all connection to the router and the modem will continue to get online to the internet. These things are very easy to understand and make your home. To make it more easy to use, now many people use that comes with a wireless router. This way you do not need a cabel for connecting to a computer network. here, I will explain the use of cable and wireless.

1. Cable
- Many consumers prefer to use the cable as it is very stable for the internet, but it is limited to the extension. you need to be close to your router or cable modem if you use because the length of this cable has its limit.

- Now, all new computers come with an ethernet port. This port is used to connect the cable to it.

- When using a lot of cables, for example, your house has 5 computers, you need 5 cables. So when a lot of cable used, this would be using a lot of room in your home.

- There are two types of cable are used to create a network that is kind of CAT5 and CAT6. to use a cable, you must have the skills to install, but now it has been sold in computer stores. the price for cable is a bit expensive depending on the length of the cable.

2. Wireless

- To use wireless, you no longer need a cable. What you need is a modem or router that has been equipped with wireless. This way it will save you the cost and to reduce the space in the home.

- Devices such as modems or routers are not that expensive. the price is very affordable and easy to get at the computer store. This is the best way for you to access the internet from a distance depending on your distance to the router. This is now a lot of advanced router and you can still access the internet for long distances.

- When using wireless, it is not the same as using a cable. If you are using a cable it is more stable than here wireless.di recommended to use wireless because it is very easy to install and cost effective.

- All safety systems were completed in the wireless, so you do not have to worry about network security.

as a conclusion, now you do not have to worry about using multiple computers at home. to make a smart network, all work can be done easily and quickly.

after this I will describe some of the topics related to home network, such as how to make your home IP settings.

Advantages and Weaknesses Wireless


Local area network technology, or local area network (LAN) is a technology data communications systems of the most popular in computer network technology. Use of LAN in connecting two computers and more implemented in all public and private organizations, schools, colleges and universities, shops and cafes are also residential.

Among the advantages of LAN is to connect two or more computers in a small size until the size of which depends to a large say computers, servers, printers and peripherals, network hardware such as hubs, switches and routers.

LAN configuration is very simple and has security features that are appropriate to their needs. However, connections of each user or node on the LAN requires installation of network wiring. The length and number of cable networks is dependent on the number and location of each node in the LAN. If many nodes, the more the number of cable networks are needed. Meanwhile, if the remote location of a node from another node it is necessary for the extension cable into a LAN must also be long.

1.0 Wireless Local Area Network

Besides using a network cable connecting node to the LAN, wireless technology or wireless can also be used. Wireless local area network or wireless local area network (WLAN) is a flexible data communication system that can be implemented as an alternative to wired LAN network. By using radio frequency technology, WLANs transmit and receive data through the air, to minimize dependence on a cable connection. Thus, the WLAN has to incorporate a combination of data connectivity to mobile users or nodes.

1.1 WLAN Technology

WLANs use electromagnetic airwaves (radio or infrared) to convert information from one node to another node without having to rely on a physical network cable connection network. Radio waves are used as carriers because of the easy to send data to the receiver.

Digital data is sent to convert digital signals to analog signals. It is then sent via a carrier wave to the receiver and extracted it to a digital signal. This data is commonly used as a carrier by modulating the signal is being transmitted. Thus, the data modulated on a carrier radio wave, radio signals will take more than one frequency, this happens because the frequency or bit rate of the information has been added to the modulated carrier signal.

1.2 Wifi

Wi-Fi stands for wireless fidelity, or is the technology that allows for users of
computers and other network hardware that supports technologies such as Personal Digital Assistan (PDAs) and mobile phones to communicate in a LAN network or Internet access to the broadband network without a wired network.

By using a Wi-Fi AP or wireless router, a LAN or Internet network can be accessed without a cable in the range of approximately 300 square feet or within 100 meters.

2.0 Advantages WLAN

With the WLAN, users can access the network communication system without the need to find a place as a wired connection to the network. In addition, network managers can configure or build the network without having to install or additional cables. WLAN offers several advantages such as productivity, comfort, and advantage in terms of cost compared with traditional network wiring. Here are the advantages of WLAN.

2.1 Mobility

Wireless LAN system to provide easy access to information in real-time, anywhere. Such mobility can increase productivity and quality of networking services to all people over the LAN wiring.

2.2 Installation / Setup is fast and simple

Installation and configuration of wireless LAN systems is very simple and easier than installing a wired network that requires pulling out the cable through the ceiling, floor or wall. Thus, the installation of LAN will no longer require renovation floor, ceiling and wall because with just installing an access point (AP) is sufficient in a particular environment.

2.3 Flexibility

Technology enables wireless LAN network can be achieved by the places that can not be achieved with a wired network. LAN services to participants who are outside the buildings and areas that do not have a network connection the network cable is no longer possible with the WLAN. Access to communication systems can be performed in every nook and corner of the WLAN coverage.

2.4 Reduced Cost-of-Ownership

Although the initial investment cost for the purchase of hardware equipment WLAN is
higher than the cable network hardware, but when calculated as a whole, installation and life-cycle cost, then it is significantly cheaper. WLAN is used in a working environment that is dynamic and changes constantly to meet the movement. But long-term benefits of a WLAN is much higher when compared with wired LAN network. WLAN installation can survive and to meet the needs of users without installing new cables.

2.5 scalability

WLAN communication system may be configured in a variety of topologies to meet the needs of users. Configuration can be changed easily by the network peer-to-peer suitable for a small number of users in a classroom or small hall through to the network infrastructure to serve thousands of users and allows roaming in large areas.

2.6 Independent Cable

Free cable is the cable refers to a fibrous network, better known by the popular word "Free Spaghetti." This is because each time a new connection is made, the new network wiring should be made. If the wiring work is not done with the update, the process of identifying the problem will be complex, especially in the rack switches. In addition, the existence of many network cable on the ceiling, the floor and the wall also result in less finish the office space. Therefore, the use of WLAN is able to solve the problem of the cable arrangement.

3.0 WLAN Weaknesses

Although the WLAN is often the choice of each organization, but there are weaknesses that could affect the productivity aspects of access, Quality of Service (QoS) and network security. Among the weaknesses of WLAN is the access speed issues, the performance is not stable, easily compromised, weak encryption standard configuration and weaknesses.

3.1 Weaknesses Speed Web Access

WLAN access method that uses a wavelength which can be shared by many users resulting in high-speed access to the affected. This is because the AP does not have a function that is used to provide broadband service equally accessible by the user. Therefore, an increasing number of users to access the AP via the bandwidth will be shared by other users.

If a WiFi users to access a big range, so other users would be affected by the access network through the WLAN. In addition, the access speed of access as per AP location is different. If the node is located close to the AP, the signal received is high. Conversely, the farther the location of the node from the AP obtained the weaker signal.

3.2 Performance Signal Flaky

WLAN technology that uses radio waves in the 2.4GHz range easily distracted if here are disruptions in the signal around. Signal interference, or more accurately known as "interference signal" is defined as disruption of radio waves transmitted to the node and received from the node. Some examples of disorders that affect the performance and volatility of the confines of a sound wave signal is between the AP and the network access node. Sound waves cause the noise disturbed the WLAN radio signal and thus lead to the data transmission is also affected by it.

In addition, the interference wave signals also occur when a lot of physical barriers in a location. This is a physical barrier such as walls, ceiling and floor. WLAN wave signals to be reduced as the physical barriers and may not be up to the point of obstruction although still within reach of the distance radius AP. In addition, due to too many people access and use of the heavy chain of the AP has also resulted in WLAN performance, and it always hangs network instability.

3.3 Exposure to aggression

Access to WLAN usage can not be controlled because it is based on roaming signal.
Therefore, any station or node which is within the roaming signal can access the WLAN. This will allow the intruder surf through the network or any location outside the area unnoticed. This will cause the entire network vulnerable to attacks, threats and aggression that could invite security issues seriously.

3.4 Configuration Weaknesses

The weakness of the configuration is the most significant weakness of the security.
Installation and usage of WLAN products that set the default setting most easily invaded. Typically, the vendors who manufacture and supply of WLAN products to provide convenience to customers on products sold primarily in terms of easy installation and installation by using default settings.

However, the security implications can also cause great risk. This is true if the rule (setting) the equipment is not changed and is still using the default settings, such as the name Service Set Identifier (SSID), your Internet Protocol (IP) of APs, remote management, DHCP, and enable password. This item will give a very big space to the network trespassers to access the network illegally as trespassers will usually know the default setting for the wireless LAN equipment.

3.5 Weaknesses Encryption Standard

Wired Equivalency Privacy, or WEP encryption is a standard used primarily in the WLAN communication system. Communications between the AP and the nodes in a WLAN using WEP encryption has a weakness that may affect network security. The data is encrypted using this technology can be broken down by network intruders to quickly and easily. In addition to WEP, another encryption standard is the WiFi Protected Access, or WPA. WPA encryption is stronger than WEP. However, it can also be broken by the intruders, but not easily and quickly as WEP.

4.0 Proposed WLAN Overcoming Weakness

Despite the obvious weaknesses of WLAN, WLAN implementations still needs to be done to meet the demands of all users. Therefore, the best approach is to perform the
installation of WLAN AP installations in every corner of the room, and office buildings, with emphasis on aspects of ICT security. There are many techniques to overcome shortcomings such as concealment WLAN SSID, WEP or WPA, and so forth. Still only two (2) security approach used by the Media Access Control address filter (MAC), intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion barrier system (IPS). This approach is taken because it provides a high level of WLAN security in line with the convenience to the consumer WLAN to WLAN access at any location and at any time. In addition, the implementation and architecture of WLANs is in accordance with guidelines and security policies.

4.1 Filtering Address Media Access Control (MAC)

Media Access Control (MAC) is a method that uses the physical address of the computer hardware to prevent and identify in the event of invasion. Every computer that uses a WLAN to be registered to use the physical address of the computer. Each computer has a physical address of the computer hardware is different and unique. Filter March would allow the MAC address was registered only in the setting of wireless router that can be networked for LAN and Internet facilities. Thus, any computer that does not register the MAC address will be denied access to the WLAN.

4.2 Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Barrier System

The use of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion barrier system (IPS) for WLAN is very efficient and effective. Airtight products were used. Installation of the units Airtight done in every corner of the WLAN signal coverage. Airtight function is to detect unusual signals, such as patent attacks from the node and prevents the signal from access to the AP. In addition, Airtight is also able to detect and prevent any ad hoc signals in the environment. Because the WLAN access can be performed anywhere within the signal coverage of the AP, the actual location of nodes is difficult to detect.

However, Airtight can solve this problem by providing a map / plan of the location of nodes in a WLAN with a right to the network administrator. Thus, the location of the intruder can be detected with the exact position of the location.

5.0 Conclusion

See the development of communication technology in the future, is to ensure that wireless technologies will dominate the communications sector. Wireless technology has the advantage of easy to use, portable and cost effective. In addition, this wireless technology is a technology that has the potential to grow rapidly and have the ability to be upgraded. However, the implementation of WLAN in government agencies and security measures should be prioritized and monitored constantly. This is because there is flexibility in the WLAN if not managed properly will cause problems in the agency's ICT security.

Web Server

How to run a simple web server at home.

For some people who have a personal website or dabble in the world of web, web hosting is something that must be held. By using a web hosting company, a person can have the freedom to manage the web sites run. Some of them like the arrangement of domain names, subdomains, web server setup, configuration files, email and so forth. And of course all be done by renting a space or a place in the web hosting service providers. What if we tried to use a computer at home to build simple web hosting? Nothing hurts to try, and here I'll give some tips and tricks how to build a web hosting / server in the house aka home web server.

There are several requirements to run a simple web server at home. Some of them are as follows:

* Internet Service Provider (ISP) and private IP public (non-shared). Generally, an IP provider who provides public like this is a broadband provider in which the IP is not shared for use by other users, I do not know what the dynamic or static IP (it would be great if static so that every time connected, IP it will not change). While dial-up providers generally use one IP for multiple computers that are connected to the internet that will allow the development of a web server. In the example here I use Streamyx package as providernya using Dynamic IP.

* Modem or router. Generally, the modem is only heading to a client does not need a configuration that means, but when using a wireless router as I do, then you will be little need to set the router configuration like port forwarding or firewall to open the modem or router. In the example here, I'm using Linksys WAG200G modem.

* Server. It should not be using IBM or HP servers based on Xeon or Opteron is very expensive. Even ordinary computer or laptop with a modem and the ISP that I referred to above can also be used as a web-server. I myself using a laptop that is connected to WiFi to my Linksys modem at the top. Operating system the server can be Windows, Linux or others.

* Software such as Apache webserver and software-support software such as PHP, MySQL, and so forth.

* Domain name. Rather difficult to apply directly for a domain to point to an IP address for the server is particularly simple as using a Dynamic IP. The solution is to use the service that will change a domain name (more precisely a subdomain) to point to your server IP. About this will be explained below.

* The knowledge base of networking, such as how to set the IP address based on their respective operating systems, how to set the modem or router, and some networking terms (terms that do not understand can be found on the internet).

Attention! By trying to make a home web server, you will open up the possibility of your computer accessible by others from outside (remote). Please pay attention to security software such as firewalls and antivirus software for the always active and always updated before opening your web server to be accessed from outside.

Above is a diagram showing the scheme about how the IP address of the router settings, ISP and others in the house. In the diagram above, I take the example that I got the IP address from the ISP that I use and this IP is dynamic, which means it will change when I re-do the connection to the ISP. Gateway of the router that I use is set to use IP address While the laptop that I use as a home web server is set manually (without DHCP) to use the IP address, while the IP address of the PC to the right set automatically by the modem.

To find the IP address of the ISP-assign you, try to access the status of your modem is generally to be found by opening the browser address commonly used, or use a service-service to detect IP Internet.

Once you know the IP of in-assign by your ISP, it is time to turn off the firewall for the ports that are generally used for HTTP is port 80. For Windows users (I tried for Windows XP), it can be done through Control Panel> Windows Firewall. Then the Exception tab and select the "Add port ...", enter the name "HTTP" or the other, enter port number 80 and select the TCP protocol, then press OK.

So by checking the HTTP port of your computer will be open for access by other computers. For Linux (in particular the use Ubuntu), when it is still new and not installed a firewall, do not need to configure at all. Whereas when using other firewall program, try to find ways to advance the exception or provide access to port 80.

Now run the web server program and other support programs such as PHP or MySQL and others.

If you just use the normal modem, you can try to type the IP address obtained from the ISP in your browser. If there is no other configuration is required, it will automatically appear on web pages that are home web server. And not directly, that means your modem is not very safe to use because there is not a firewall and other facilities can only access the computer / server you directly, and vulnerable to malicious actions such as cracking and hacking. But after trying to access via web browser using the IP address from your ISP did not show anything, it is possible that what you are doing is still blocked by the router or modem configuration, one port forwarding.

Now the difficult part is the port forwarding. If you use a router as I could connect a lot of clients and enable DHCP server on your router, then you should do is clicking-assign / set the IP manually on the server you use. Why? Because DHCP makes IP diassign can vary depending on the client is connected to the router. In the example above, I assign IP address for the laptop that I use as a home web server. Besides generally requires the use of port forwarding the same IP address (unless there is a router / modem that can automatically detect that the laptop at any time if I change the IP).

To configure port forwarding in your router or modem, log into your router (usually using the web browser and type in the address bar of it). Then find the port forwarding, and enter some parameters below in a set of fields that will be in the forward port. I use a Linksys WAG200G, then the following fields are visible, but when using a router / modem may be different from others.

* Name / Application: HTTP (this section is not very influential, just general descriptions only)
* IP address:
* Internal port: 80
* External port: 80
* Protocol: TCP
* Enabled: Yes / Check

Now as before, open your browser, type the IP address of in-assign from ISP to the gateway / router / modem, see the results. When the display is visible as when you type localhost in the address bar, it can be said that the measures you use have been successful. If not, then chances are there are still some things that make the web server can not be accessed, usually because of problems at the server firewall, router, or modem. Therefore, when finding such a problem, please try again.

What if had been successful? What is just enough here? No! For some people, memorize your IP address, what else is changing the dynamic alias is quite difficult and inconvenient. We will try to use Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Service) is useful to change a domain address (such as into your IP address. Dynamic DNS service provider for the widely used is and

What if had been successful? What is just enough here? No! For some people, memorize your IP address, what else is changing the dynamic alias is quite difficult and inconvenient. We will try to use Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Service) is useful to change a domain address (such as into your IP address. Dynamic DNS service provider for the widely used and provide services free of charge, but require users to pay, so I was more suggesting Create an account at, then select "Add Host Service", and the contents according to the following:

* Hostname: select the subdomain and the domain that you will use to point to your IP.
* Wildcard: can you choose or not. If selected, so there are sub-subdomains of the hostname of your content, it will be fixed automatically redirected to your IP.
* Service Type: Host with IP address
* IP Address: Fill in your IP address. Or just select "Use auto detected IP address" that will make the field is filled automatically.
* Mail routing: no need to get selected unless you need an email facility for the hostname (which means not included in this description).

After all the fields filled in, select Create Hosts and agree to "purchase" price of $0, then the hostname will be "owned" your IP. Generally, some routers have a facility to assign a domain name automatically. Therefore, you need to know the about the router / modem with the search category menu or DNS DDNS there. When using a Linksys WAG200G, the menu can be accessed via the Setup> DDNS. Select for DDNS service, fill your username and password you created at account, fill in the hostname that you have previous message, and click connect.

After that, when there are status "Connected Successfully", meaning that all went well, and when the modem / router you are connecting back to the ISP, new IP automatically be directed to use the hostname without having to open the site again. If the router / modem you do not provide the service as above, then you should visit the site every time you want to change its IP address.

Similarly, few guidelines to make the home web server using DDNS. If there are any questions, suggestions or improvements, please be submitted via the comment section. If you want to adapt or copy-and the content of this article, please include a link back to this article. Hopefully this article will be useful for you.

Types of networks and Protocol

Types of networks

a. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A MAN, usually covering a larger area than a LAN, for example between regions within a province. In this case, a network linking several small networks into a larger area of the environment, for example as follows: Bank network in which several branches of a bank in a big city are connected to each other.

b. Wide Area Network (WAN) area networks Large Scale

Wide Area Networks (WAN) is a network of scope usually has the means of satellite or submarine cable network as an example of the overall Bank  is in Malaysia or in other countries. Using the WAN infrastructure, a bank that is in the Philippines can contact any branch office in Hong Kong, just a few minutes. WAN is usually quite complicated and very complex, using many means to connect between the LAN and WAN in Global Communications as the Internet. But somehow between LAN, MAN and WAN is not much different in some respects, the scope of the site area is just a different one among others.


Protocol is the main rules governing the communication between multiple computers on a network, the rules include guidelines that apply to the means or method of accessing a network, physical topology, cable type, type and speed of data transfer. Protocols supported are as follows:

1. Ethernet
2. Local Talk
3. Token Ring
5. ATM


Ethernet protocol is the most widely used, the Ethernet access method called CSMA / CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection)

- This system explains that paying attention to every computer in the network cable before sending anything to it. If there is no activity in the network or the computer will transmit the data clean, if there is another transmission in the cable, the computer will wait and retry transmission if the network has been cleared.

Sometimes the two computers to transmit on the same time, when this happens, each computer will be back and will wait for random chance to transmit the data back. This method is known to the coalition, and will not affect the transmission speed of the network. Ethernet protocols can be used for straight line on the network model, Star, or Tree. Data can be transmitted through the twisted pair cable, coaxial, or fiber optic cable at a speed of 10 Mbps.


LocalTalk is a network protocol developed by Apple Computer, Inc.. for Macintosh machines. The method used by LocalTalk is CSMA / CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision avoidance)

- Similar to CSMA / CD .. LocalTalk adapters and special twisted pair cable used to connect multiple computers through a serial port. Macintosh Operating System is a network connection enables peer-to-peer without requiring an additional application specific protocol LocalTalk network can be used to model Straight Line, Star, or a tree model using twisted pair cable. The most glaring deficiency is the speed of transmission. Transmission speed is 230 Kbps.

3.Token Ring

Token Protocol, developed by IBM in mid-1980. The method of access through the latest of a token in a circle like the ring. In token ring, computers are connected to each other like a ring. A token moves signal rotates in a circle (ring) in a network and move from a computer, go to the next computer, if at a stopover in one of the computer was no data to be transmitted, the token will transport it to where it wanted addressed data, move on to another token of their respective computer.

Token Ring protocol requires a star network model using twisted pair cable or fiber optic cable. And to make the transmission speed 4 Mbps or 16 Mbps. Along with the development of Ethernet, Token Ring using increasingly reduced to the present.

4.FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)

(FDDI) is a network protocol that connects two or more networks even in the distance. The method used by FDDI is a token model. FDDI uses two physical ring topology. Transmission process usually uses one ring, but if any problems found will automatically use the second ring. An advantage of FDDI is speed using fiber optic cable at a speed of 100 Mbps.

5.ATM (ATM stands for Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

(ATM) is a network protocol that transmits at a speed of 155 Mbps or more. ATM transmits data into a package the other protocol in which the transfer of large packets small. ATM supports various media such as video, CD-audio, and pictures. ATM working on Star topology model, using fiber optic cable or twisted pair cable. ATM is generally used to connect two or more LANs. He is also widely used
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to increase the speed of Internet access for their clients.


The Basics

DHCP (Dynamic Configuration Protocol) is a service that automatically provides IP numbers to the computer that requested it. Computers that provide IP number is referred to as DHCP server, while the computer that requested the IP number is referred to as a DHCP Client. Thus, administrators no longer have to manually give the IP number when the configuration of TCP / IP, but enough to give a reference to the DHCP Server.

At the time of the DHCP client is turned on, the computer is doing the request to the DHCP-Server to get IP numbers. DHCP provides IP numbers to answer to that is in the DHCP database. DHCP server after a given IP number, then lend server (lease) to number of existing IP, DHCP Client, and expunge the IP number from the list of pool. IP number is given along with the subnet mask and default gateway. If there is no IP numbers that can be given, then the client can not initialize TCP / IP, by itself can not be connected to the network.

After a certain period of time, the use of DHCP Client is set selesaidan client does not renew the request again, the IP number is returned to the DHCP server, and server to give IP numbers to the client in need. Long periods can be specified in minutes, hours, months or forever. The period referred to leased period.
Understanding DHCP

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Potocol, a perogram
application that enables network settings centrally from the server,
so that the PC client does not need to configure IP addresses. Because all
been addressed by the PC Server.


Use DHCP from the System Administrator, is that we do not
have recorded the IP addresses on each client PC. May
to the needs of up to 10 or 20 client PCs can we handle,
but if the clients we handle up to 50 or 100, you can
imagine how complicated and exhausting work that we have signed.

The main purpose of the use of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is to provide centralized IP address setting through a server rather than having to individually configure each client machine. A client machine is configured to use DHCP can not set a static IP address by itself, everything is set and determined by the specified DHCP server.

One way of using DHCP is to identify in advance the hardware address of each network card (MAC Address, this address is usually fixed) and then give the client the IP address settings are identical each time they connect to the server.

Also to the configuration of DHCP so the DHCP server to provide IP addresses dynamically to the host that is connected to it, using the IP address range that has been determined. In this case the DHCP server will try to give the same address on the client machine whenever the host is requesting the address to the server (although for a long time).

This of course does not work properly, if the network is more than the host computer at the address prepared by the server.


With these advantages, DHCP makes network administrators to work more easily. Each time a change is associated with the addressing and configuration of the global network, can be implemented in centralized to only make changes to the configuration file on the server.

This is of course more efficient than you have to make settings or setup on every host (client machines). Besides, it is very easy for us to integrate the machines (hosts), especially the new machine into the network because the machines will get the address of the polling done on the server address.

A DHCP server is not only the IP address and its netmask, but also provide a host name (host name), domain name, gateway, and name server (DNS) used by the client machine. DHCP can also have some other parameters such as the use of time server that can be accessed by each client.

Configure the computer with network

Now , lets go to configure the computer with network.

1. To physically connect to a network, your computer must have a network interface card (NIC). The NIC is a piece of hardware that allows a computer to connect to the network. It might be integrated into the computer motherboard or might be a separately installed card.

2. In addition to the physically connection, some configuration of the operating system is required for the computer to participate in the network.If the operating system not support the network,it will give a problem to network. Most modern network connect to the Internet and use it to exchange information.

3. Each computer on network requires an Internet Protocol(IP) address as well as other information to identify it. The IP configuration contains three parts, which must be correct for the computer to send and receive information on the network. These three parts are ;

- IP address: Identifies the computer on the network.

- Subnet mask: Identifies the network on which the computer is connected.

- Default gateway: Identifies the device that the computer uses to access the Internet or another network.

This is example for IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway :

IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :


This is manual configuration, if u are new in networking, u can use DHCP to assign an ip automatically.

Hubs, Routers and Switches

Some technicians have a tendency to use the terms routers, hubs and switches interchangeably. One moment they are talking about the switch. then they were discussing the router settings. Meanwhile, they only look at a box. Have you ever wondered what the difference between the Hub, Switch and Router? and functions of the three devices are all very different from one another, even if at the time they are integrated into one device.

Understanding Hub and Router Switch


A common connection terminal devices in the network. Hub is generally used to connect the LAN segments. hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, the port is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets.


In the network, devices such as filters and packets between LAN segments. Switches operate at data link layer (layer 2) and sometimes the network layer (layer 3) of the OSI Reference Model and therefore support the protocol packets. LANs that use switches to join segments of the LAN is set to activate or, in the case of Ethernet networks, Ethernet LAN is enabled.


A device used together with packet data network. Router to connect to at least two networks, commonly two LANs or the WAN or LAN and ISP networks. Usually becomes a gateway router, which two or more networks connect.

Routers use headers and forwarding tables to determine the best path to continue the packets, and they use protocols such as ICMP to communicate with each other and configure the best route between two hosts.


Now the router has become sort of a key tool in combining the features and functions of the router and switch / hub into a single unit. So the meaning of these devices can be a bit misleading - especially for those just learning the computer network.

Features routers, hubs and switches are very different from each other, even if all these tools are integrated into one device. We start with the hub and the switch because both devices have the same role in the network. Each serves as a central connection for all network equipment and handle data type known as frames. Frames carry your data. When a frame is received, it is amplified and then transmitted to the PC port of destination. The big difference between the two devices are presented frame method.

In a hub, a frame work to deliver or "broadcast (publish)" to each terminal. No matter that the frame is only used for one port. hub has no way to distinguish between the frame where the port should be sent. Pass along to make sure that each port will reach the goal. In this equipment a lot of traffic on the network and can cause poor response time or slow network.

In addition, the specifications 10/100Mbps hub must share bandwidth with each port. So when only one PC is used, will have access to the maximum bandwidth available. However, if some PC operating or in use on the network, the bandwidth will be distributed to all PCs, which will reduce performance.

A Switch, keep records of device MAC address to connect. With this information, a switch can identify system mounted on a terminal. So, when a frame is received, the software knows the exact port to send data, without significantly increasing network response time.

And, unlike a hub, with specifications 10/100Mbps switch will allocate the full amount for each port 10/100Mbps her. So regardless of the number of PCs transmitting, users will always have access to the maximum amount of bandwidth. This is for the reasons why the switch is considered to be a much better choice of hub.

Router is a device that is completely different to the equipment that has been described above. When a hub or switch associated with the transmission frame, the router function is to route packets to other packet networks until it finally reached its goal. One of the main features of a package is that not only contain data, but the destination address where it will go.

Routers usually connect to at least two networks, commonly two Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN) or LAN and ISP networks. for example, a PC or workgroup and EarthLink. Routers are located at gateways, where two or more networks connect. Using headers and forwarding tables, routers determine the best path to forward packets. Routers use protocols such as ICMP to communicate with each other and configure the best route between two hosts.

Now, many services are integrated into some broadband router. A router typically has 4 to 8 port Ethernet switch (or hub) and Network Address Translator (NAT). In addition, it is usually already include Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, Domain Name Service (DNS) proxy server and firewall hardware to protect the LAN from malicious intrusions from the Internet.

All routers have a WAN port to connect to a DSL or cable modem for broadband internet connection and a switch that is integrated, allowing users to easily create a LAN system. This allows all PCs on the LAN to have access to Internet and Windows file sharing and printer services.

Some routers have a WAN port and a single LAN port and is designed to connect the existing LAN hub or switch to a WAN. Ethernet switches and hubs can be connected to a PC router with multiple ports to expand the LAN. Depending on the capabilities (kinds of available ports) of the router and switch, or hub, a connection between the router and switches / hubs may require straight-through or crossover (null-modem) cable. Some routers even have USB ports, and more generally, a wireless access point is transmitted from them.

Some routers are higher or business class routers will also incorporate a serial port to connect to an external dial-up modem, which is useful as a backup in case of primary broadband connection go down, and built in LAN printer server and printer port.

Besides the inherent protection features provided by the NAT, the router also has a built-in configuration, hardware based firewall. Firewall capabilities can range from very basic, and up to the advanced. Among the capabilities found on the main router is the router allows configuring TCP / UDP port for games, chat, and the like, on the LAN behind the firewall.

So, in short, a hub glues together an Ethernet network segment, the switch can connect multiple Ethernet segments more efficiently and a router can perform the functions of routing TCP / IP packets between multiple LAN and / or WAN, and many others of course.